Please note that a mistake has been spotted in the schedule shown in the NoR for this event. Competitors must plan to leave on August 10th – A revised NoR has been posted (see below) [more]

Those traveling to Poland by road for the upcoming Aloha, Mistral & Raceboard Championships should take notice of the following common sense recommendations which are offered to ensure that you have a safe journey. a) Travel in a convoy of cars wherever possible. b) Use big well lit parking places and park near the restaurant.  c) When parked, leave one person with a mobile phone in or near the car.d) The Polish Police wear uniforms, have ID Cards and generally speak English. Be careful of people in civilian clothes asking for official documents.e) Keep important documents, money and valuables well out of reach of the windows.f) If involved in an accident however slight, wait for the police before getting out of the car.  Keep the doors shut.g) Make sure you know the emergency telephone numbers for the Police or emergency services.

Notice of Race:
Enter on line: MYEC & RB:
Enter on line: Aloha & MJEC: